The case sensitivity of URLs, in general (along with whether they are same or not if they are in different case), needs to be looked at from the following perspectives:
- Resource Equivalence
- URL Comparison
From the perspective of resource equivalence it is generally not possible to say two URLs differing by any case (lower case, upper case, sentence case, camel case ... any combination of case) are different from each other unless the resource is retrieved from both the URLs, which in many cases is not practical (RFC 3986, section 6.1, para 1). Therefore where the resource cannot be retrieved, the comparison perspective is used.
However, in case where it is possible to retrieve the resource, the matter gets more (as expected) complicated. By the provisions of RFC 3986, Section 3.3, para 5, as highlighted below
Aside from dot-segments in hierarchical paths, a path segment is
considered opaque by the generic syntax
it would appear that no assumption can be made for the rest of a URI/URL beyond it's scheme and authority from generic syntax (inclusive of the sensitivity question).
For scheme and host part of the authority, however, the specification does (charitably) state them to be case insensitive. Refer RFC 3986, section 3.1, para 1 and RFC 3986, section, para 2.
Having exhausted this line of inquiry one should look at the comparison perspective to determine whether URI/URLs are to be case sensitive or not.
The first hint to that direction emerges through perusal of the section (above)
The other generic syntax
components are assumed to be case-sensitive unless specifically
defined otherwise by the scheme
Which is further buoyed by considering RFC 2616, section 3.2.3
When comparing two URIs to decide if they match or not, a client
SHOULD use a case-sensitive octet-by-octet comparison of the entire
Then, finally, is the enquiry settled and URLs are case sensitive ... (heh!), not quite, the operative words are 'opaque', 'client' and 'comparing'.
Beyond it's syntax, The above RFC don't mention anything about the actual interpretation of the path and query except that it is 'opaque' and it only specifies how (with a SHOULD and not a MUST) a 'client' may 'compare' the URL. It mentions nothing regarding how a server (SHOULD, let alone MUST) interpret the rest of the URL beyond scheme/authority.
Therefore the server has all the latitude to interpret an URL as they please, which they do as highlighted by earlier posts by others.