I'm trying to send a command to a smart card. I use a Gemalto IDBridge CT30 (PC TWIN reader) and a IDBridge K30 connected to the Android device over USB.
I try to send a SELECT APDU command over USB:
boolean claim = openedConnection.claimInterface(usbInterface, true);
byte[] data = new byte[]{
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xA4, (byte) 0x04, (byte) 0x0C,
(byte) 0x07, (byte) 0xA0, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x18, (byte) 0x45, (byte) 0x4E};
After that I receive an answer:
final int dataTransferred = this.openedConnection.bulkTransfer(endPointOut, data, data.length, TIMEOUT_MS);
if(!(dataTransferred == 0 || dataTransferred == data.length)) {
throw new Exception("Error durring sending command [" + dataTransferred + " ; " + data.length + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
final byte[] responseBuffer = new byte[endPointIn.getMaxPacketSize()];
final int dataTransferred = this.openedConnection.bulkTransfer(this.endPointIn, responseBuffer, responseBuffer.length, TIMEOUT_MS);
Console.writeLine("USB Retrieve: " + dataTransferred + " " + responseBuffer.length);
if(dataTransferred >= 0){
return responseBuffer;
throw new Exception("Error durring receinving response [" + dataTransferred + "]");
That answer is
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xA0 0x00 0x41 0x03 0x00
However, I should get an answer of 0x90 0x00
according to the test project here.
What am I doing wrong? Can anybody help me? Do I use the correct approach? I'm not using the default package classes of javax.smartcardio
. I use the USB interface classes (e.g. UsbDevice) directly.