Basically I'm downloading images off of a webserver and then caching them to the disk, but before I do so I want to mask them. I'm using the masking code everyone seems to point at which can be found here:
What happens though, is that the image displays fine, but the version that gets written to the disk with
UIImage *img = [self maskImage:[UIImage imageWithData:data] withMask:self.imageMask];
[UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) writeToFile:cachePath atomically:NO];
has it's alpha channel inverted when compared to the one displayed later on (using the same UIImage instance here).
Any ideas? I do need the cached version to be masked, otherwise displaying the images in a table view get's awfully slow if I have to mask them every time.
Edit: So yeah, UIImagePNGRepresentation(img) seems to invert the alpha channel, doesn't have anything to do with the code that writes to disk, which is rather obvious but I checked anyway.
to disk and using that to create the UIImage, the vignette is back-to-front. An answer to address this issue would be greatly appreciated. – Gilmore