I need to initially set a Backbone view's template based on whether the date a user has selected is in the past or future as well as switch it later when it's collection changes pulling data from a different date. How do I do this? I thought I would be able to set the template to a function that returns the correct selector string based on whether I'm in the past or not, but this doesn't work.
pR.views.ScheduleJobView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "tr",
template: "#schedule-job-template"
pR.views.ScheduleJobsView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: function () {
if (this.isPast)
return "#schedule-jobs-past-template";
return "#schedule-jobs-template";
}, itemView: pR.views.ScheduleJobView,
itemView: pR.views.ScheduleJobView,
itemViewContainer: "tbody",
// Defaults for the model's url
baseUrl: "/schedules/day/",
baseApiUrl: "/api/schedule/day/",
// Empty object to store url parameters
urlParameters: {},
initialize: function () {
pR.vent.bindTo("change:parameters", this.changeUrl, this);
this.model.url = this.baseApiUrl;
onRender: function () {
console.log("Rendering Jobs View");
// Change the main model's url
changeUrl: function (parameters) {
// merge new parameters with old ones
this.urlParameters = _.extend(this.urlParameters, parameters);
var url = "";
var apiUrl = this.baseApiUrl;
_.each(this.urlParameters, function (value, parameter) {
// Add each parameter segment to the url
url = url + parameter + '/' + value + '/';
apiUrl = apiUrl + parameter + '/' + value + '/';
this.model.url = apiUrl;
console.log("Updated CurrentDay model url to " + apiUrl);
console.log("Navigating to " + url);
// Check if we are in the past
isPast: function () {
var year = this.urlParameters.year;
var month = this.urlParameters.month;
var day = this.urlParameters.day;
var selectedDate = Date(year, month, day);
if (selectedDate < Date()){
return true;
} else {
return false;
Note that I'm using Marionette's composite views here, too, so I need a way to change the itemView's template based on the timeframe as well. I'm definitely open to approaching this differently if my basic strategy is poorly thought out.