I am trying to verify the contents of a form before sending it. Basically, I'm trying to work with the numbers in the form and ensure they are within the correct range. The problem is that the JavaScript I have which is trying to verify it thinks that the item being passed to it is NaN (I have been parsing it).
A little work revealed that the variable ("size") is referring to an "HTMLInputEleMent", which I guess is, indeed, NaN (although I am not quite sure what it actually is). I think that the problem is that the onSubmit is not passing what I want it to be passing, even though I named the field "size" and I passed onSubmit "size" too.
I tried putting it in quotation marks, but that just turns it into a string...
I am wondering if perhaps you are unable to pass a variable from WITHIN the form to it's onSubmit field? Is that so? If so, how should I do this?
Here is the form:
<form onsubmit="return goodForm(size, day, month, year)" action="http://localhost:8080/pomper_servlet/CostCalc" method="GET">
The day of the month must be entered as a number (ex: 1,22)
<input type="text" name="day"><br>
The month of the year must be entered as a number (ex: Jan.=1, etc.)
<input type="text" name="month"><br>
The year must be entered as a 4 digit number (ex: 2008, 2017)
<input type="text" name="year"><br>
Please Choose a tour-length, in accordance with the chart below:
<input type="TEXT" name="length"><br>
How many people will be in your group? (No More than 10 allowed!)
<input type="text" name="size"><br>
Please select a tour:<br>
<input type="RADIO" name="tour" value="Gardiner Lake">
Gardiner Lake<br>
<input type="RADIO" name="tour" value="Hellroaring Plateau">
Hellroaring Plateau<br>
<input type="RADIO" name="tour" value="The Beaten Path">
The Beaten Path<br>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit">
And here is the function, from functions.js:
function goodForm(gSize, day, month, year) {
"use strict";
window.alert("goodFrame(): "+gSize);
var groupSize1 = parseInt( gSize.replace(/^"|"$/g, ""), 10);
window.alert("goodFrame(): "+groupSize1);
var sizeInt = parseInt(groupSize1);
if(groupSize(sizeInt) && goodDate(day, month, year)){
return true;
return false;
There are references to other functions in there, but they aren't relevant to this, I think. The alerts were/are for debugging purposes...
Thanks in advance!