I implemented basic caching functionality for a project and ran into a problem during the testing. I test using jest and redis-mock and all the tests pass. The problem is when I import a file which imports the redis-file. The test-file doesn't exit.
import redis from 'redis'
import redis_mock from 'redis-mock'
jest.spyOn(redis, 'createClient').mockImplementation(red_mock.createClient)
import fileUsingRedis from './index'
describe('index', () => {
it('should pass', () => expect(true).toBeTruthy())
import {set} from './redis'
export default function ...
import redis from 'redis'
const client = redis.createClient()
export function set(key, value) {...}
'1 passed'...'Ran all test suites matching ...'
But then it keeps waiting, I assume because the redis.createClient() is async or something or other. Seeing as it happens on the import I can't just resolve it. Do I have to close the redis-instance connection after every test?
What is the solution/best-practice here?
opens a file handle, so jest waits for that handle to close. To know what handles are still open, you can run jest with the--detectOpenHandles
flag – Knap