I implemented a like button in my application. Let's imagine users are able to like other users products.
I am now wondering which of the following is the most effective and robust method to store those likes in a non-relational Database (in my case MongoDB). It's important that no user can like a product twice.
Possible Solutions
(1) Store the user ids of those, who liked on the product itself and keep track of the number of likes via likes.length
// Product in database
likes: [
(2) Store all products, that a user liked on the user itself and keep track of the number of likes through a number on the product
// User in database
likedProducts: [
// Product in database
numberOfLikes: 42,
(3) Maybe there is even a better solution for this?
Either way, if the product has many likes or the user liked many products, there is a big amount of data, that has to load only to show likes and check if the user has already liked it.