I am using a fairly standard setup of NSTableView + CoreData + NSFetchedResultsController, with the relevant view controller being NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate to receive the changes. Here are the relevant bits of code from the view controller:
func controller(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>, didChange anObject: Any, at indexPath: IndexPath?, for type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, newIndexPath: IndexPath?){
print("Change type \(type) for indexPath \(String(describing: indexPath)), newIndexPath \(String(describing: newIndexPath)). Changed object: \(anObject). FRC by this moment has \(String(describing: self.frc?.fetchedObjects?.count)) objects, tableView has \(self.tableView.numberOfRows) rows")
switch type {
case .insert:
if let newIndexPath = newIndexPath {
tableView.insertRows(at: [newIndexPath.item], withAnimation: .effectFade)
case .delete:
if let indexPath = indexPath {
tableView.removeRows(at: [indexPath.item], withAnimation: .effectFade)
case .update:
if let indexPath = indexPath {
let row = indexPath.item
for column in 0..<tableView.numberOfColumns {
tableView.reloadData(forRowIndexes: IndexSet(integer: row), columnIndexes: IndexSet(integer: column))
case .move:
if let indexPath = indexPath, let newIndexPath = newIndexPath {
tableView.removeRows(at: [indexPath.item], withAnimation: .effectFade)
tableView.insertRows(at: [newIndexPath.item], withAnimation: .effectFade)
@unknown default:
fatalError("Unknown fetched results controller change result type")
func controllerWillChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {
func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {
I understand that I should be able to batch all the updates this way, even if multiple rows are deleted. However, this causes a crash with multiple deletes in a row.
Here is the log output from a session, with the table initially having four rows, and all of them being deleted:
Change type NSFetchedResultsChangeType for indexPath Optional([0, 2]), newIndexPath nil. Changed object: /… correct object info …/. FRC by this moment has Optional(0) objects, tableView has 4 rows
Change type NSFetchedResultsChangeType for indexPath Optional([0, 1]), newIndexPath nil. Changed object: /… correct object info …/. FRC by this moment has Optional(0) objects, tableView has 3 rows
Change type NSFetchedResultsChangeType for indexPath Optional([0, 0]), newIndexPath nil. Changed object: /… correct object info …/. FRC by this moment has Optional(0) objects, tableView has 2 rows
Change type NSFetchedResultsChangeType for indexPath Optional([0, 3]), newIndexPath nil. Changed object: /… correct object info …/. FRC by this moment has Optional(0) objects, tableView has 1 rows
The last row causes a crash:
2019-05-06 22:01:30.968849+0300 MyApp[3517:598234] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSTableViewException', reason: 'NSTableView error inserting/removing/moving row 3 (numberOfRows: 1).'
The first three deletes happen to be reported in the "right" order (rows with bigger indexes [row numbers] being deleted first). The last one arrives “out of order” and the other rows are seemingly already gone from NSTableView by this time.
How are objects deleted from the context in the first place: I am using the recommended best practice of having two Managed Object Contexts work against the same NSPersistentContainer, one for UI work in the main thread, and one for background/network work in background. They watch each other’s changes. This crash is triggered when the sync context receives some changes from the network, saves them, and they propagate to view context, with this method elsewhere in the app:
@objc func syncContextDidSave(note: NSNotification) {
viewContext.perform {
self.viewContext.mergeChanges(fromContextDidSave: note as Notification)
Have I misunderstood how to work with the fetched results controller delegate? I thought that the beginupdates/endupdates calls make sure that the “table view model” does not change between them? What should I do to eliminate the crash?
s. How are the objects deleted from the context? DoesanObject
? – ToadyNSManagedObjectContext
against the sameNSPersistentCoordinator
. I added some extra info in my question on this. The objects appear to be correct. The objects reported match theindexPath
before the deletes. – Coben