You may have seen JSONPath syntax like this floating around the internet and hoped that you could select a list item and patch it using Kustomize.
As @Rico mentioned in his answer: This is a limitation with JSON6902 - it only accepts paths using JSONPointer syntax, defined by JSON6901.
So, no, you cannot currently address a list item using [key=value]
syntax when using kustomize's patchesJson6902
However, the problem presented in the original question around dealing with changes to the order of list items does have a solution using JSONPointer syntax (JSON6901) without moving to Strategic Merge Patch (which can depend on CRD authors correctly annotating how list-item merges should be applied).
Simply add another JSON6902 operation to your patches to test
that the item remains at the index you specified.
# First, test that the item is still at the list index you expect
- op: test
path: /spec/containers/0/name
value: my-app
# Now that you know your item is still at index-0, it's safe to patch its command
- op: replace
path: /spec/containers/0/command
value: ["sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null"]
The test
operation will fail your patch if the value at the specified path does not match what is provided. This way, you can be sure that your other patch operation's dependency on the item's index is still valid!
I use this trick especially when dealing with custom resources, since I:
- A) Don't have to give kustomize a whole new openAPI spec, and
- B) Don't have to depend on the CRD authors having added the correct extension annotation (like:
"x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name"
) to make sure my strategic merge patches on list items work the way I need them to.