@Garret Wilson Thank you so much! As a noob to android coding, I've been stuck with the preferences incompatibility issue for so many hours, and I find it so disappointing they deprecated the use of some methods/approaches for new ones that aren't supported by the older APIs thus having to resort to all sorts of workarounds to make your app work in a wide range of devices. It's really frustrating!
Your class is great, for it allows you to keep working in new APIs wih preferences the way it used to be, but it's not backward compatible. Since I'm trying to reach a wide range of devices I tinkered with it a bit to make it work in pre API 11 devices as well as in newer APIs:
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
public class MyPrefsActivity extends PreferenceActivity
private static int prefs=R.xml.myprefs;
protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState)
try {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { //Api < 11
protected void AddResourceApiLessThan11()
protected void AddResourceApi11AndGreater()
new PF()).commit();
public static class PF extends PreferenceFragment
public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState)
addPreferencesFromResource(MyPrefsActivity.prefs); //outer class
// private members seem to be visible for inner class, and
// making it static made things so much easier
Tested in two emulators (2.2 and 4.2) with success.
Why my code looks so crappy:
I'm a noob to android coding, and I'm not the greatest java fan.
In order to avoid the deprecated warning and to force Eclipse to allow me to compile I had to resort to annotations, but these seem to affect only classes or methods, so I had to move the code onto two new methods to take advantage of this.
I wouldn't like having to write my xml resource id twice anytime I copy&paste the class for a new PreferenceActivity, so I created a new variable to store this value.
I hope this will be useful to somebody else.
P.S.: Sorry for my opinionated views, but when you come new and find such handicaps, you can't help it but to get frustrated!
addPreferencesFromResource(int preferencesResId)
. Am I missing something ? – Mihalco