Ok the accepted answer did not work for me. On a Galaxy Nexus Running 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean) when recording via MediaRecorder I needed to use AudioManager.STREAM_RING
because AudiManager.STREAM_SYSTEM
did not work. It would always play a "chime" sound at beginning of each recording.
Here is my solution using "STREAM_RING" and others.
// disable sound when recording.
// re-enable sound after recording.
Also as the documentation states be sure to re-enable audio in the onPause()
I hope this helps someone tearing their hair out over this problem. This disables all sound streams. You can go through and work out which ones you specifically need. I found that different versions of android use different streams for the chime when mediarecorder runs. ie, STREAM_RING works for android 4.2.1 but for ICS it doesn't work.
Edit: As my comment below mentions, I can't get the sound disabled for Android OS 2.3.3 on a Samsung Galaxy S1. Anyone have luck with this?
Darrenp's solution helps to tidy up code but in a recent update to my phone (galaxy nexus android 4.3) the volume / recording beep started up again! The solution by user1944526 definitely helps. In an effort to make it easier to understand...
Use something like ,
// class variables.
Integer oldStreamVolume;
AudioManager audioMgr;
enableSound() {
if (audioMgr != null && oldStreamVolume != null) {
audioMgr.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, oldStreamVolume, 0);
disableSound() {
audioMgr = (AudioManager)activity.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
oldStreamVolume = audioMgr.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING);
audioMgr.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, 0, 0);
For completeness each of those functions you could also call either darrenp's solution in a function or include all of the above STREAM_
lines. but for me now, these combined are working. Hope this helps someone...