I found similar topic: What are the differences between Autotools, Cmake and Scons? , but my question is a little bit other and I think the answers could be other too.
I found a lot of articles telling that waf is unstalbe (API changes), is not yet ready for production etc (but all of these articles are 2 or 3 years old).
Which of these build tools should be used if I want to:
- create big C++ (11) project - lets say a complex compiler
- use with LLVM
- be sure it will be flexible and simple to use
- be sure it will be fast enought
- compile under all standard platforms (the base platform is Linux, but I want to compile under Windows and MacOSX also)
Reading a lot of articles I found out Cmake and waf the "best" tools available, but I have no expirence with them and it is really hard to find out any comparison, which is not very biased (like comparison of the scons author) and not very old.really