I was facing similar problem , I was needing send a kind of JSON structure to then decode it into my query but there was a program receiving my string and this program was escaping my escapes, so the query fails, finally I found this :
Put $$ in dollar-quoted string in PostgreSQL
mentioning quote_literal(42.5)
This resolves my issue . an example
String is
'LocalTime={US/Central}; NumDays={1}; NumRows={3}; F_ID={[Apple, Orange, Bannana]}'
Param, value , replace(quote_literal(replace(replace(Value,'[',''),']','')),',',quote_literal(',')) ValueList
SPLIT_PART(split,'=',1) as Param,
replace( replace(SPLIT_PART(split,'=',2),'{',''),'}','') as Value
trim(split_part(freeform.txt, ';', number.n)) as split
( select
'LocalTime={US/Central}; NumDays={1}; NumRows={3}; F_ID={[Apple, Orange, Bannana]}' as txt
) freeform,
( select 1 as n union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10
) number
where split <> ''
) as MY_TMP
) as valuePart