How do I pass a composite JSON structure via AJAX call from JS and on the server side, read it as a "very similar" data structure in python?
I understand that json formatting can be used (simplejson etc), but I somehow feel that the QueryDict itself is malformed or reformatted in my case?
When passing an array of JSON objects [{"id": 1},{"id": 2},{"id": 3}] via AJAX to Django view, the QueryDict gets formatted as:
POST:<QueryDict: {u'json_data[0][id]': [u'1'], u'type': [u'clone'],
u'csrfmiddlewaretoken': [u'69bb3c434ced31ab301ede04bf491ec0'],
u'json_data[1][id]': [u'2'], u'json_data[2][id]': [u'3']}>
How do I even iterate through the json_data?
I want to get something like this instead:
POST:<QueryDict: {u'json_data': [{u'id': [u'1']}, {u'id': [u'2']}, {u'id': [u'3']}]},
u'csrfmiddlewaretoken': [u'69bb3c434ced31ab301ede04bf491ec0'], u'type': [u'clone']>
So that I can access QueryDict as a dictionary and retrieve json_data as a list and process it in a certain order: maybe just iterate through them in sequential list order. Something like:
ret = request.POST
for item in ret['json_data']:
In fact the value that goes into process() could be another dictionary of key value pairs instead of just a number (1,2,3 etc)
var test = [{"id": 1},{"id": 2},{"id": 3}];
json_data: test,
"type": 'clone',
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": $csrf_token
function(json) {
def insert_tc(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
ret = request.POST
type = ret['type']
list = ret.getlist(ret)
But list returns empty []
I tried simplejson dumps, loads, items, get methods but none of them helped.
I even tried jQuery.param( obj, true ), but that's not what I want (although somewhat close).
Is there a different/better way to pass composite data structures back and forth Django <-> JS via AJAX?