I have a project "Logger" wherein the configuration type is .dll.
"Logger" uses "libconfig" (an open source config parser). Currently, I have a separate project for "libconfig" and its configuration type is .lib
I added "libconfig" to Logger's frameworks and references setting with:
- link library depedencies = true
- use library dependency inputs = false
In Logger's linker command line, i see: /IMPLIB: "path\to\Logger.lib"
My question is: Why does Logger.lib need to be created? I see /OUT = "path\to\Logger.dll", but I'm trying to get a hang of visual studio's build process.
From M$'s IMPLIB doc, I see its part of the LINK process. I still don't get it.
Edit: I didn't mention how the Logger DLL was to be used. My application would be loading it at run-time (since this functionality is only required for specific cmd line args)