I am fluent in SQL but new to using the SQL Geometry features. I have what is probably a very basic problem to solve, but I haven't found any good resources online that explain how to use geometry objects. (Technet is a lousy way to learn new things...)
I have a collection of 2d points on a Cartesian plane, and I am trying to find all points that are within a collection of radii.
I created and populated a table using syntax like:
Update [Things] set [Location] = geometry::Point(@X, @Y, 0)
(@X,@Y are just the x and y values, 0 is an arbitrary number shared by all objects that allows set filtering if I understand correctly)
Here is where I go off the rails...Do I try to construct some sort of polygon collection and query using that, or is there some simple way of checking for intersection of multiple radii without building a bunch of circular polygons?
Addendum: If nobody has the answer to the multiple radii question, what is the single radius solution?
Here are some examples I have worked up, using an imaginary star database where stars are stored on a x-y grid as points:
Selects all points in a box:
DECLARE @polygon geometry = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(('
+ CAST(@MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(@MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(@MaxX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(@MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', '
+ CAST(@MaxX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(@MaxY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(@MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(@MaxY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(@MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(@MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + '))', 0);
SELECT [Star].[Name] AS [StarName],
[Star].[StarTypeId] AS [StarTypeId],
FROM [Star]
WHERE @polygon.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
using this as a pattern, you can do all sorts of interesting things, such as defining multiple polygons:
WHERE @polygon1.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
OR @polygon2.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
OR @polygon3.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
Or checking distance:
WHERE [Star].[Location].STDistance(@polygon1) < @SomeDistance
Sample insert statement
GEOMETRY::Point(@LocationX, @LocationY, 0),