I'm already able to share photos to Whatsapp but the way I do this is by providing Whatsapp option in a UIActivityViewController
and then showing a UIDocumentInteractionController
From this UIDocumentInteractionController
, I choose the Whatsapp option which redirects the user to Whatsapp and enables him to share the photo.
So far my code is like this:
if ([activityType isEqualToString:@"whatsappSharing"]) {
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"whatsapp://app"]]) {
NSString *savePath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/whatsAppTmp.wai"];
[UIImageJPEGRepresentation(finalImage, 1.0) writeToFile:savePath atomically:YES];
weakDocumentInteraction = [UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:savePath]];
weakDocumentInteraction.UTI = @"net.whatsapp.image";
weakDocumentInteraction.delegate = weakSelf;
[weakDocumentInteraction presentOpenInMenuFromRect:CGRectZero inView:weakSelf.view animated:YES];
I want to be able to select the option from a UIActivityViewController
and directly show Whatsapp.
Is there a way to jump this second part of presenting the UIDocumentInteractionController
and selecting the Whatsapp app option programmatically?
Currently, the user has to select the Whatsapp option twice in order to share the image.
PS: I'm using UIActivityViewController
because I'm using other activities too.
? – Euphemia