I want to write my Pandas dataframe to Excel and apply a format to multiple individual columns (e.g., A and C but not B) using a one-liner as such:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath, engine='xlsxwriter')
my_format = writer.book.add_format({'num_format': '#'})
writer.sheets['Sheet1'].set_column('A:A,C:C', 15, my_format)
This results in the following error:
File ".../python2.7/site-packages/xlsxwriter/worksheet.py", line 114, in column_wrapper
cell_1, cell_2 = [col + '1' for col in args[0].split(':')] ValueError: too many values to unpack
It doesn't accept the syntax 'A:A,C:C'
. Is it even possible to apply the same formatting without calling set_column()
for each column?