I have a mat-file that I accessed using
from scipy import io
mat = io.loadmat('example.mat')
From matlab, example.mat contains the following struct
>> load example.mat
>> data1
data1 =
LAT: [53x1 double]
LON: [53x1 double]
TIME: [53x1 double]
units: {3x1 cell}
>> data2
data2 =
LAT: [100x1 double]
LON: [100x1 double]
TIME: [100x1 double]
units: {3x1 cell}
In matlab, I can access data as easy as data2.LON, etc.. It's not as trivial in python. It give me several option though like
mat.clear mat.get mat.iteritems mat.keys mat.setdefault mat.viewitems
mat.copy mat.has_key mat.iterkeys mat.pop mat.update mat.viewkeys
mat.fromkeys mat.items mat.itervalues mat.popitem mat.values mat.viewvalues
Is is possible to preserve the same structure in python? If not, how to best access the data? The present python code that I am using is very difficult to work with.
? – Olimpiadata1['LAT']
(python) as opposed todata1.LAT
(matlab). – Assisi