I'm trying to implement a classic list/details UI. When clicking an item in the list, I want to display an edit form for that item while still displaying the list. I'm trying to work around Angular's 1-view-per-page limitation and decided to do it by having all URLs routed to the same controller/view. (Perhaps this is the root of my problem and I'm open to alternatives.)
.when('/list', { templateUrl: '/Partials/Users.html', controller: UserController })
.when('/edit/:UserId', { templateUrl: '/Partials/Users.html', controller: UserController })
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/list' });
The view (/Partials/Users.html):
<!-- List of users -->
<div ng-repeat="user in Users">
<a href="*/edit/{{ user.Id }}">Edit {{ user.Name }}</a>
<!-- Edit form -->
{{ SelectedUser.Name }}
function UserController($scope, $routeParams) {
// the model for the list
$scope.Users = GetUserListFromService();
// the model for the edit form
if ($routeParams.UserId != null)
$scope.SelectedUser = GetUserFromService($routeParams.UserId);
- When clicking an edit link, the controller is reinstantiated with a new scope, so I have to re-init the Users list. (In a more complex example I could have input from the user stored bound to the model and this would also get lost.) I'd prefer to persist the scope from the previous route.
- I'd prefer to use a separate controller (or, as many other Angular developers have complained, the ability to have multiple displayed views!) but that leads to the same issue of losing scope.