When I try to start my newly created WebApplication I get this error:
The program '[73635] iisexpress.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I have already searched through internet and none of this solutions helped me:
- Change the port number (and virtual directory)
- Start as administrator
- Deleting the .vs folder
- Deleting the IISExpress-folder under Documents
- Use 64-bit of version of IISexpress
- Restart the computer
- Press CTRL-F5
I just want to build the page. I have done no changes to the original MVC5 website.
EDIT: I thought it was an error, but in the comment @Lex li says it is not an error. When I search through this on internet it look like many people had experienced it before.
I just created a new MVC application. Without doing any changes I try to run it with IIS Express (Google Chrome), but it just stops, without anything more. Chrome gives me this error: This site can’t be reached localhost refused to connect.
. And I get no errors what so ever. It just wont start, and Visual Studio Diagnostic Tools stop running at the same time Chrome closes itself.
EDIT 2: I have been able to dig a bit more:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express>iisexpress.exe /trace:error
Starting IIS Express ...
Initializing the W3 Server Started CTC = 2601562
Error initializing IISUTIL's LocalRequest. hr = 80072afa
Terminating W3_SERVER object
Start listenerChannel http:0
Initializing the W3 Server Started CTC = 2610156
Error initializing IISUTIL's LocalRequest. hr = 80072afa
Terminating W3_SERVER object
InitComplete event signalled
Process Model Shutdown called
Unable to start iisexpress.
I have realised that IISExpress i struggeling with something. I was able to get this error, when I presset CTRL - F5: unable to launch iis express web server
Scan the folder C:\Users\xuser\source\repos\CMySQL\CMySQL for project files.
1 project(s) are detected.
* CMySQL.csproj
Project file: C:\Users\xuser\source\repos\CMySQL\CMySQL\CMySQL.csproj.
IIS Express configuration file: C:\Users\xuser\source\repos\CMySQL\.vs\config\applicationHost.config.
Analyze ASP.NET project.
Extract web project settings.
UseIIS: True
AutoAssignPort: True
DevelopmentServerPort: 61708
DevelopmentServerVPath: /
IISUrl: http://localhost:6549/
NTLMAuthentication: False
UseCustomServer: False
SaveServerSettingsInUserFile: False
UseIISExpress: true
Scan all bindings.
IIS Express is used for this project.
Binding *:6549 (http).
A matching binding is found for http://localhost:6549/.
Error initializing IISUTIL's LocalRequest. hr = 80072afa
is something undocumented. Except talking to Microsoft, I don't think there is much you can do, developercommunity.visualstudio.com/spaces/8/index.html – Grassplot.....\PROJ\.vs\PROJ\config\applicationhost.config
file, in particular the content of the site element where the the name attribute is PROJ? (Where PROJ is the name of your project, of course) – Tatar