I figured out how to get this to work using SKPicture objects to record the Draw Commands from each layer using a background rendering thread, then painting them back to an SKGLControl using the GUI thread. This satisfies all of my requirements: It allows for multiple drawing layers, renders with a background thread, renders only the layers that need updates, paints with GPU acceleration, and is extremely fast for a maximized 4K window.
Lessons Learned
There are a few lessons that I learned along the way that were causing a lot of confusion for me...
There are examples online of using an OpenTK.GLControl with GPU acceleration, and there are examples using the SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop.SKGLControl which has built in GPU acceleration. The SKGLControl is definitely the correct control for this task. The GLControl was creating squares for DrawCircle and refusing to render any curves due to issues with the FramebufferBinding and StencilBits ?!? - I gave up on it. It is also slower than the SKGLControl for SKPicture objects.
The SKGLControl does not need nor like the use of SwapBuffers or Canvas.Flush, which are required for the GLControl. This was causing strobing and glitching of the drawings for SKGLControl, which is why I went off in the weeds fighting with the GLControl. When I rebuilt the project with SKGLControl and got rid of SwapBuffers and Canvas.Flush, everything started behaving.
References to Surfaces and Canvases should not be held past one PaintSurface cycle. The SKPicture is the magical object that will let you store the drawing commands for each layer and play them back again and again. This is different from an SKBitmap or SKImage which are generating pixel rasters instead of just recording the Draw commands. I couldn't get SKBitmap or SKImage to behave in a multithreaded environment and still be GPU accelerated. SKPicture works great for this.
There is a difference between the Paint event and the PaintSurface event for the SKGLControl. The PaintSurface event is what should be used and is by default GPU accelerated.
Working Example Code
Below is fully functional demo of a multi-layer, multi-threaded, GPU accelerated SkiaSharp drawing
This example creates 4 drawing layers:
- Background Layer
- Grid Layer
- Data Layer
- Overlay Layer
The layers are drawn ( rendered ) using a background thread, then painted to an SKGLControl using the GUI thread. Each layer is only rendered when needed, but all layers are painted with each PaintSurface event.
To try the code:
- Create a new C# WinForms project in Visual Studio.
- Add the NuGet Package: "SkiaSharp.Views.WindowsForms". This will automatically add "SkiaSharp", and "SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop.Common".
- Add a SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop.SKGLControl to Form1. Name it "skglControl1"
- Set Dock to "Fill" for skglControl1 so that it fills Form1.
- Copy the code below to Form1:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SkiaSharp;
using SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop;
namespace SkiaSharp_Multi_Layer_GPU
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------- -------
// ------- WinForm - Form 1 -------
// ------- -------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Thread m_RenderThread = null;
private AutoResetEvent m_ThreadGate = null;
private List<Layer> m_Layers = null;
private Layer m_Layer_Background = null;
private Layer m_Layer_Grid = null;
private Layer m_Layer_Data = null;
private Layer m_Layer_Overlay = null;
private bool m_KeepSwimming = true;
private SKPoint m_MousePos = new SKPoint();
private bool m_ShowGrid = true;
private Point m_PrevMouseLoc = new Point();
// ---------------------------
// --- Form1 - Constructor ---
// ---------------------------
public Form1()
// ------------------------------
// --- Event - Form1 - OnLoad ---
// ------------------------------
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// Set the title of the Form
this.Text = "SkiaSharp Demo - Multi-Layer, Multi-Threaded, GPU Accelerated";
// Create layers to draw on, each with a dedicated SKPicture
m_Layer_Background = new Layer("Background Layer");
m_Layer_Grid = new Layer("Grid Layer");
m_Layer_Data = new Layer("Data Layer");
m_Layer_Overlay = new Layer("Overlay Layer");
// Create a collection for the drawing layers
m_Layers = new List<Layer>();
// Subscribe to the Draw Events for each layer
m_Layer_Background.Draw += Layer_Background_Draw;
m_Layer_Grid.Draw += Layer_Grid_Draw;
m_Layer_Data.Draw += Layer_Data_Draw;
m_Layer_Overlay.Draw += Layer_Overlay_Draw;
// Subscribe to the SKGLControl events
skglControl1.PaintSurface += SkglControl1_PaintSurface;
skglControl1.Resize += SkglControl1_Resize;
skglControl1.MouseMove += SkglControl1_MouseMove;
skglControl1.MouseDoubleClick += SkglControl1_MouseDoubleClick;
// Create a background rendering thread
m_RenderThread = new Thread(RenderLoopMethod);
m_ThreadGate = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Start the rendering thread
// ---------------------------------
// --- Event - Form1 - OnClosing ---
// ---------------------------------
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
// Let the rendering thread terminate
m_KeepSwimming = false;
// --------------------------------------------
// --- Event - SkglControl1 - Paint Surface ---
// --------------------------------------------
private void SkglControl1_PaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop.SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
// Clear the Canvas
// Paint each pre-rendered layer onto the Canvas using this GUI thread
foreach (var layer in m_Layers)
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
paint.Color = SKColors.LimeGreen;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Layers.Count; i++)
var layer = m_Layers[i];
var text = $"{layer.Title} - Renders = {layer.RenderCount}, Paints = {layer.PaintCount}";
var textLoc = new SKPoint(10, 10 + (i * 15));
e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText(text, textLoc, paint);
paint.Color = SKColors.Cyan;
e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText("Click-Drag to update bars.", new SKPoint(10, 80), paint);
e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText("Double-Click to show / hide grid.", new SKPoint(10, 95), paint);
e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText("Resize to update all.", new SKPoint(10, 110), paint);
// -------------------------------------
// --- Event - SkglControl1 - Resize ---
// -------------------------------------
private void SkglControl1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Invalidate all of the Layers
foreach (var layer in m_Layers)
// Start a new rendering cycle to redraw all of the layers.
// -----------------------------------------
// --- Event - SkglControl1 - Mouse Move ---
// -----------------------------------------
private void SkglControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Save the mouse position
m_MousePos = e.Location.ToSKPoint();
// If Left-Click Drag, draw new bars
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
// Invalidate the Data Layer to draw a new random set of bars
// If Mouse Move, draw new mouse coordinates
if (e.Location != m_PrevMouseLoc)
// Remember the previous mouse location
m_PrevMouseLoc = e.Location;
// Invalidate the Overlay Layer to show the new mouse coordinates
// Start a new rendering cycle to redraw any invalidated layers.
// -------------------------------------------------
// --- Event - SkglControl1 - Mouse Double Click ---
// -------------------------------------------------
private void SkglControl1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Toggle the grid visibility
m_ShowGrid = !m_ShowGrid;
// Invalidate only the Grid Layer.
// Start a new rendering cycle to redraw any invalidated layers.
// ----------------------
// --- Update Drawing ---
// ----------------------
public void UpdateDrawing()
// Unblock the rendering thread to begin a render cycle. Only the invalidated
// Layers will be re-rendered, but all will be repainted onto the SKGLControl.
// --------------------------
// --- Render Loop Method ---
// --------------------------
private void RenderLoopMethod()
while (m_KeepSwimming)
// Draw any invalidated layers using this Render thread
// Invalidate the SKGLControl to run the PaintSurface event on the GUI thread
// The PaintSurface event will Paint the layer stack to the SKGLControl
// DoEvents to ensure that the GUI has time to process
// Block and wait for the next rendering cycle
// -------------------
// --- Draw Layers ---
// -------------------
private void DrawLayers()
// Iterate through the collection of layers and raise the Draw event for each layer that is
// invalidated. Each event handler will receive a Canvas to draw on along with the Bounds for
// the Canvas, and can then draw the contents of that layer. The Draw commands are recorded and
// stored in an SKPicture for later playback to the SKGLControl. This method can be called from
// any thread.
var clippingBounds = skglControl1.ClientRectangle.ToSKRect();
foreach (var layer in m_Layers)
// -----------------------------------------
// --- Event - Layer - Background - Draw ---
// -----------------------------------------
private void Layer_Background_Draw(object sender, EventArgs_Draw e)
// Create a diagonal gradient fill from Blue to Black to use as the background
var topLeft = new SKPoint(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top);
var bottomRight = new SKPoint(e.Bounds.Right, e.Bounds.Bottom);
var gradColors = new SKColor[2] { SKColors.DarkBlue, SKColors.Black };
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(topLeft, bottomRight, gradColors, SKShaderTileMode.Clamp))
paint.Shader = shader;
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
e.Canvas.DrawRect(e.Bounds, paint);
// -----------------------------------
// --- Event - Layer - Grid - Draw ---
// -----------------------------------
private void Layer_Grid_Draw(object sender, EventArgs_Draw e)
if (m_ShowGrid)
// Draw a 25x25 grid of gray lines
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
paint.Color = new SKColor(64, 64, 64); // Very dark gray
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke;
paint.StrokeWidth = 1;
// Draw the Horizontal Grid Lines
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
var y = e.Bounds.Height * (i / 25f);
var leftPoint = new SKPoint(e.Bounds.Left, y);
var rightPoint = new SKPoint(e.Bounds.Right, y);
e.Canvas.DrawLine(leftPoint, rightPoint, paint);
// Draw the Vertical Grid Lines
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
var x = e.Bounds.Width * (i / 25f);
var topPoint = new SKPoint(x, e.Bounds.Top);
var bottomPoint = new SKPoint(x, e.Bounds.Bottom);
e.Canvas.DrawLine(topPoint, bottomPoint, paint);
// -----------------------------------
// --- Event - Layer - Date - Draw ---
// -----------------------------------
private void Layer_Data_Draw(object sender, EventArgs_Draw e)
// Draw a simple bar graph
// Flip the Y-Axis so that zero is on the bottom
e.Canvas.Scale(1, -1);
e.Canvas.Translate(0, -e.Bounds.Height);
var rand = new Random();
// Create 25 red / yellow gradient bars of random length
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
var barWidth = e.Bounds.Width / 25f;
var barHeight = rand.Next((int)(e.Bounds.Height * 0.65d));
var barLeft = (i + 0) * barWidth;
var barRight = (i + 1) * barWidth;
var barTop = barHeight;
var barBottom = 0;
var topLeft = new SKPoint(barLeft, barTop);
var bottomRight = new SKPoint(barRight, barBottom);
var gradColors = new SKColor[2] { SKColors.Yellow, SKColors.Red };
// Draw each bar with a gradient fill
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(topLeft, bottomRight, gradColors, SKShaderTileMode.Clamp))
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
paint.StrokeWidth = 1;
paint.Shader = shader;
e.Canvas.DrawRect(barLeft, barBottom, barWidth, barHeight, paint);
// Draw the border of each bar
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
paint.Color = SKColors.Blue;
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke;
paint.StrokeWidth = 1;
e.Canvas.DrawRect(barLeft, barBottom, barWidth, barHeight, paint);
// --------------------------------------
// --- Event - Layer - Overlay - Draw ---
// --------------------------------------
private void Layer_Overlay_Draw(object sender, EventArgs_Draw e)
// Draw the mouse coordinate text next to the cursor
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
// Configure the Paint to draw a black rectangle behind the text
paint.Color = SKColors.Black;
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
// Measure the bounds of the text
var text = m_MousePos.ToString();
SKRect textBounds = new SKRect();
paint.MeasureText(text, ref textBounds);
// Fix the inverted height value from the MeaureText
textBounds = textBounds.Standardized;
textBounds.Location = new SKPoint(m_MousePos.X, m_MousePos.Y - textBounds.Height);
// Draw the black filled rectangle where the text will go
e.Canvas.DrawRect(textBounds, paint);
// Change the Paint to yellow
paint.Color = SKColors.Yellow;
// Draw the mouse coordinates text
e.Canvas.DrawText(m_MousePos.ToString(), m_MousePos, paint);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------- -------
// ------- Class - Layer -------
// ------- -------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public class Layer
// The Draw event that the background rendering thread will use to draw on the SKPicture Canvas.
public event EventHandler<EventArgs_Draw> Draw;
// The finished recording - Used to play back the Draw commands to the SKGLControl from the GUI thread
private SKPicture m_Picture = null;
// A flag that indicates if the Layer is valid, or needs to be redrawn.
private bool m_IsValid = false;
// ---------------------------
// --- Layer - Constructor ---
// ---------------------------
public Layer(string title)
this.Title = title;
// -------------
// --- Title ---
// -------------
public string Title { get; set; }
// --------------
// --- Render ---
// --------------
// Raises the Draw event and records any drawing commands to an SKPicture for later playback.
// This can be called from any thread.
public void Render(SKRect clippingBounds)
// Only redraw the Layer if it has been invalidated
if (!m_IsValid)
// Create an SKPictureRecorder to record the Canvas Draw commands to an SKPicture
using (var recorder = new SKPictureRecorder())
// Start recording
// Raise the Draw event. The subscriber can then draw on the Canvas provided in the event
// and the commands will be recorded for later playback.
Draw?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs_Draw(recorder.RecordingCanvas, clippingBounds));
// Dispose of any previous Pictures
// Create a new SKPicture with recorded Draw commands
m_Picture = recorder.EndRecording();
m_IsValid = true;
// --------------------
// --- Render Count ---
// --------------------
// Gets the number of times that this Layer has been rendered
public int RenderCount { get; private set; }
// -------------
// --- Paint ---
// -------------
// Paints the previously recorded SKPicture to the provided skglControlCanvas. This basically plays
// back the draw commands from the last Render. This should be called from the SKGLControl.PaintSurface
// event using the GUI thread.
public void Paint(SKCanvas skglControlCanvas)
if (m_Picture != null)
// Play back the previously recorded Draw commands to the skglControlCanvas using the GUI thread
// --------------------
// --- Render Count ---
// --------------------
// Gets the number of times that this Layer has been painted
public int PaintCount { get; private set; }
// ------------------
// --- Invalidate ---
// ------------------
// Forces the Layer to be redrawn with the next rendering cycle
public void Invalidate()
m_IsValid = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------- -------
// ------- EventArgs - Draw -------
// ------- -------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public class EventArgs_Draw : EventArgs
public SKRect Bounds { get; set; }
public SKCanvas Canvas { get; set; }
public EventArgs_Draw(SKCanvas canvas, SKRect bounds)
this.Canvas = canvas;
this.Bounds = bounds;
{ layer.Paint(e.Surface.Canvas); } . System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.' – Saiff