What is the preferred way to make a VS connected service (NSwag) injected into classes/controllers. I have found a lot of suggestions on the net to use this form:
services.AddHttpClient<IClient, Client>((provider, client) =>
client.BaseAddress = new System.Uri("https://some.baseurl/");
However this results in the error
{"errorMessage":"Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' while attempting to activate 'xxx.Client'."}
This comes from the auto-generated client class in obj
, which seems to force a string BaseUrl in constructor, which of course the DI cannot resolve:
public Client(string baseUrl, System.Net.Http.HttpClient httpClient)
BaseUrl = baseUrl;
_httpClient = httpClient;
_settings = new System.Lazy<Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings>(CreateSerializerSettings);
This base URL is later forced into the url builder code, so it cannot really be bypassed. However, even the solutions on the net which use partial extensions to client classes seem to completely ignore baseUrl in auto-gen class (like here). As if it does not exist (which is weird, has the NSwag before generated different constructors?). The class is being generated via csproj:
<OpenApiReference Include="OpenAPIs\swagger.json" CodeGenerator="NSwagCSharp" Namespace="xxx" ClassName="Client">
And this results in the targeted build call:
2> "C:\.<path>./tools/Win/NSwag.exe" openapi2csclient /className:Client /namespace:xxx /input:"C:\<projpath>\OpenAPIs\swagger.json" /output:"obj\swaggerClient.cs"
2>NSwag command line tool for .NET 4.6.1+ WinX64, toolchain v13.13.2.0 (NJsonSchema v10.5.2.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v11.0.0.0))
So, how is this being done? potentially, without creating another proxy class for a proxy class, I would rather that DI handles my object lifetimes. I would also like to avoid NSwagStudio if possible and would like to keep the tooling supplied by VS.