If in case you want to bind extra property to your artist object, for example you are plotting IMDB ratings of several movies, and you want to see by clicking on a point which movie it corresponds to, you can do that by adding a custom object to the point that you plotted, like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class custom_objects_to_plot:
def __init__(self, x, y, name):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.name = name
a = custom_objects_to_plot(10, 20, "a")
b = custom_objects_to_plot(30, 5, "b")
c = custom_objects_to_plot(40, 30, "c")
d = custom_objects_to_plot(120, 10, "d")
def on_pick(event):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for obj in [a, b, c, d]:
artist = ax.plot(obj.x, obj.y, 'ro', picker=5)[0]
artist.obj = obj
fig.canvas.callbacks.connect('pick_event', on_pick)
Now when you click one of the points on the plot, the name property of the corresponding object will be printed.