Whats the proper way to handle the selected state of the navigation drawer after back press?
I have a navigation drawer with n entries (in a listview) like the SDK sample in Android Studio. When i click on the navigation drawer entries i want them to be added to the back stack, so i can move back to them.
In onNavigationDrawerItemSelected(int pos) i have
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
if (position == 0) {
transaction.replace(R.id.container, new FragmentA());
} else if (position == 1) {
transaction.replace(R.id.container, new FragmentB());
} else {
transaction.replace(R.id.container, new FragmentC());
When i click on the second entry in the drawer, B gets selected and replaces A. If i click the back button afterwards, Fragment A is shown again like it should, but B is still selected in the navigation drawer.
How can i get the selection status of the drawer updated after pressing back?
Somehow i need a call to mDrawerListView.setItemChecked(position, true); or NavigationDrawerFragment.selectItem(int position). But to which position? How do i remeber it?
Intercept with onBackPressed?
public void onBackPressed() {}
But how do i know which fragment is active again? And to which position it corresponds.
Is there some easy solution i am blind to see? It seems that using back in combination with the navigation drawer and updating the selection status is a standard pattern.