I am aware you are looking for JavaScript sample; but following is a c# code. See if you can translate it to JavaScript. The variable names and data types are self explainer which may help you while translation.
The code below is based on this answer from @VictorDerks. There is even a faster method explained in that answer; have a look.
public string GenerateUidFromGuid()
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
string strTemp = "";
StringBuilder uid = new StringBuilder(64, 64);
//This code block is important------------------------------------------------
string guidBytes = string.Format("0{0:N}", guid);
BigInteger bigInteger = BigInteger.Parse(guidBytes, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
strTemp = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", bigInteger);
//This code block is important------------------------------------------------
return uid.ToString();
The Guid guid
looks like f254934a-1cf5-47e7-913b-84431ba05b86
The string.Format("0{0:N}", guid)
returns 0f254934a1cf547e7913b84431ba05b86
. Formatting is removed and prefixed with zero.
The BigInteger.Parse(guidBytes....
returns 322112315302124436275117686874389371782
. The BigInteger.Parse
will convert/parse the string to big-integer data type. The NumberStyles
determine how to format.
Looking at the question, I think you are already aware about details explained here and here.