ith the code below, even though (I believe) I'm only using local variables in each function, the result after running multiple times looks like data remain in variables and it ends up adding old & new result. What is wrong?
(defun funcC (target res)
((null res) (list (list target 1)))
((equal (car (car res)) target)
(setf (cadr (car res)) (+ (cadr (car res)) 1))
(t (setf (cdr res) (funcC target (cdr res))) res)
(defun funcB (l res)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((atom l) (funcC l res))
((atom (car l))
(funcB (car l) res)
(funcB (cdr l) res))
((listp (car l)) (funcB (car l) res))
(t (funcB (cdr l) res)))
(defun funcA (l)
(cdr (funcB l '(())))
Break 27 [30]> lb
(10 7 7 7 4 3 7 3 10 10)
Break 27 [30]> (funcA lb)
((10 3) (7 4) (4 1) (3 2)) ; I want this result to repeat in the next run but...
Break 27 [30]> (funcA lb)
((10 6) (7 8) (4 2) (3 4))
Break 27 [30]> (funcA lb)
((10 9) (7 12) (4 3) (3 6)) ; Each run adds up to results from previous run
Environment: Ubuntu 11.10, GNU CLISP
(list (list))
, in place of'(())
? – Appearance