I've implemented a self-growing TMemo as a nice example of LiveBindings (one of the few useful examples I could come up with for LiveBindings in VCL).
A quote From my Delphi XE2 Development Essentials courseware manual:
"To build this example, place a TMemo component on a VCL form, open the LiveBindings property, and select the “New LiveBinding” option. Pick the TBindExpression choice. Open BindExpressionMemo11 in the Object Inspector and set SourceComponent to Memo1 and SourceExpression to Lines.Count * 22.
To get a better result at runtime, set SourceExpression to the more exact expression
Font.Size - 4 + (Lines.Count + 1) * -1 * (Font.Height - 3)
Finally, in the OnChange event handler of the TMemo, write one line of code:
BindingsList1.Notify(Sender, '');
That’s it. Compile and run to see the growing memo in action.
Initially, the TMemo control will be two lines high (the line with the contents, and a next line), and whenever we hit enter or word wrapping advances us to the next line, the TMemo control will grow in height (growing down actually, so make sure to leave enough space on the form for the TMemo to expand itself)."
Groetjes, Bob Swart