I have an unmanaged static library (.dll) written on C++:
// This is a personal academic project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it.
// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com
#include "program.h"
struct MyData
int32_t index;
char* name;
//uint8_t* data;
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) MyData* GetMyData()
MyData* ms = new MyData();
ms->index = 5;
ms->name = "Happy string";
//ms->data = new uint8_t[5] { 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 };
return ms;
The 'GetMyData' method returns pointer to 'MyData' object.
I imported this library into C# projeсt using 'PInvoke' and called the 'GetMyData' method.
// This is a personal academic project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it.
// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class MyData
public Int32 index;
public String name;
//public Byte[] data;
class Program
[DllImport("TestCpp.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern IntPtr GetMyData();
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Call 'GetMyData' method and get structure from pointer using marshaling.
var ptr = GetMyData();
var ms = Marshal.PtrToStructure<MyData>(ptr);
// Print my data into console
var str = ms.index.ToString();
str += ", " + ms.name;
//str += ", [" + string.Join(", ", ms.data) + "]";
This code works fine, but if I uncomment the using of 'data' member of 'MyData' type (in C++ and C# code), I will get exception in C# code on this line:
var ms = Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr);
Error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeArrayTypeMismatchException:
'Mismatch has occurred between the runtime type of the array and the sub type recorded in the metadata.'
As I understand the offset argument in the 'FieldOffset' attribute - it's a shift in bytes in unmanaged memory during convert unmanaged C++ object to managed C# object.
Field 'index' has 4 bytes size because it's 32-bit type.
Field 'name' is pointer to char array. For 32-bit architecture it's also 32-bit number (4 bytes).
Which offset in 'FieldOffset' attribute i need to use for 'data' field?