I'm trying to read .doc file with ruby, I use win32ole library.
IT my code:
require 'win32ole'
class DocParser
def initialize
@content = ''
def read_file file_path
word = WIN32OLE.connect( 'Word.Application' )
doc = word.activedocument
word = WIN32OLE.new( 'Word.Application' )
doc = word.documents.open( file_path )
word.visible = false
doc.sentences.each{ |x| @content = @content + x.text }
I kick off doc reading with DocParser.new.read_file('path/file.doc')
When I run this using rails c
- I don't have any problems, it's working fine.
But when I run it using rails (e.g. after button click), once in a while (every 3-4 time) this code crashes with error:
WIN32OLERuntimeError (failed to create WIN32OLE object from `Word.Application'
HRESULT error code:0x800401f0
CoInitialize has not been called.):
lib/file_parsers/doc_parser.rb:14:in `initialize'
lib/file_parsers/doc_parser.rb:14:in `new'
lib/file_parsers/doc_parser.rb:14:in `rescue in read_file'
lib/file_parsers/doc_parser.rb:10:in `read_file'
lib/search_engine.rb:10:in `block in search'
lib/search_engine.rb:43:in `block in each_file_in'
lib/search_engine.rb:42:in `each_file_in'
lib/search_engine.rb:8:in `search'
app/controllers/home_controller.rb:9:in `search'
Rendered c:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-4.1.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_source.erb (0.0ms)
Rendered c:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-4.1.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_trace.text.erb (2.0ms)
Rendered c:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-4.1.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_request_and_response.text.erb (2.0ms)
Rendered c:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-4.1.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/diagnostics.erb (56.0ms)
Aditionaly, this code read doc file successfully, but RAILS CRASHES AFTER A FEW SECONDS: look at this gist
What is my problem? How can I fix it? Please, help!
is called before any call toWIN32OLE.new
. You can use an 'initializer' script in Rails. – Merline