I am using Flask-socketio (http://flask-socketio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/).
I am currently getting a
KeyError: '/local'
when using this in events.py. Note the differing namespaces:
@socketio.on('connect', namespace='/photo')
def client_connect():
emit('event', { 'type': 'client_connect' }, namespace='/local')
Using Flask-socketio is it possible to emit to a separate namespace to that which the event occurred on? The documentation seems to suggest so, but I can't workout why I keep getting the KeyError.
EDIT: Thanks @Miguel for your proposed answer, I have tried again (after a long time away from the project) but still get a keyerror with the below:
@socketio.on('connect', namespace='/local')
def local_client_connect():
print ('Local client connected.')
@socketio.on('connect', namespace='/photo')
def client_connect():
print ('Client connected.')
send('client_connect', namespace='/local')
When I run the app I see the printed 'Local client connected.' and only then do I allow a client to access the /photo route. I see 'Client connected' printed and then of course the keyerror.
I have upgraded flask-socketio to 0.4.2.