Is there a way to use StAX and JAX-B to create an index and then get quick access to an XML file?
I have a large XML file and I need to find information in it. This is used in a desktop application and so it should work on systems with few RAM.
So my idea is this: Create an index and then quickly access data from the large file.
I can't just split the file because it's an official federal database that I want to use unaltered.
Using a XMLStreamReader I can quickly find some element and then use JAXB for unmarshalling the element.
final XMLStreamReader r = xf.createXMLStreamReader(filename, new FileInputStream(filename));
final JAXBContext ucontext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Foo.class);
final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = ucontext.createUnmarshaller();
while (r.hasNext()) {
final int eventType =;
if (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && r.getLocalName().equals("foo")
&& Long.parseLong(r.getAttributeValue(null, "bla")) == bla
) {
// JAX-B works just fine:
final JAXBElement<Foo> foo = unmarshaller.unmarshal(r,Foo.class);
// But how do I get the offset?
// cache.put(r.getAttributeValue(null, "id"), r.getCursor()); // ???
But I can't get the offset. I'd like to use this to prepare an index:
(id of element) -> (offset in file)
Then I should be able use the offset to just unmarshall from there: Open file stream, skip that many bytes, unmarshall. I can't find a library that does this. And I can't do it on my own without knowing the position of the file cursor. The javadoc clearly states that there is a cursor, but I can't find a way of accessing it.
I'm just trying to offer a solution that will work on old hardware so people can actually use it. Not everyone can afford a new and powerful computer. Using StAX I can get the data in about 2 seconds, which is a bit long. But it doesn't require RAM. It requires 300 MB of RAM to just use JAX-B. Using some embedded db system would just be a lot of overhead for such a simple task. I'll use JAX-B anyway. Anything else would be useless for me since the wsimport-generated classes are already perfect. I just don't want to load 300 MB of objects when I only need a few.
I can't find a DB that just needs an XSD to create an in-memory DB, which doesn't use that much RAM. It's all made for servers or it's required to define a schema and map the XML. So I assume it just doesn't exist.
. – ShenagetLocation().getCharacterOffset()
but for more complex files nothing worked. I decided to provide an answer based on a generated XML parser using antlr. I'm excited if this works out for you! – Rizzo