Unfortunately, Lucida Grande does not have an italic variant and I need one.
My options here seem limited and I am hoping someone has a better one for me.
First, I tried, applying a NSAffineTransform by doing the following:
NSFont *theFont = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]];
const CGFloat kRotationForItalicText = -15.0;
NSAffineTransform *italicTransform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
[italicTransform scaleBy:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]];
[italicTransform rotateByDegrees:kRotationForItalicText];
theFont = [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:[theFont fontDescriptor] textTransform:italicTransform];
but, this does not produce text that is particularly readable.
My next option is to switch to a different font:
theFont = [NSFont userFontOfSize:[NSFont labelFontSize]];
theFont = [sharedFontManager convertFont:theFont toHaveTrait:NSItalicFontMask];
and while the text here is readable when italicized, I would rather be using the same font since it is obviously different.
I could, of course, use userFontOfSize font for both my italic and non-italic text, but I am currently limited to using the systemFontOfSize font.
Do I have any other (good) options?
Thank you.