I'm trying to compare a new object with the original using CloudCode beforeSave function. I need to compare a field sent in the update with the existing value. The problem is that I can't fetch the object correctly. When I run the query I always get the value from the sent object.
UPDATE: I tried a different approach and could get the old register ( the one already saved in parse). But the new one, sent in the request, was overridden by the old one. WHAT?! Another issue is that, even thought the code sent a response.success()
, the update wasn't saved.
I believe that I'm missing something pretty obvious here. Or I'm facing a bug or something...
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('Tasks', function(request, response) {
if ( !request.object.isNew() )
var Task = Parse.Object.extend("Tasks");
var newTask = request.object;
var oldTask = new Task();
oldTask.set("objectId", request.object.id);
.then( function( oldTask )
console.log(">>>>>> Old Task: " + oldTask.get("name") + " version: " + oldTask.get("version"));
console.log("<<<<<< New Task: " + newTask.get("name") + " version: " + newTask.get("version"));
}, function( error ) {
response.error( error.message );
OBJ SENT {"name":"LLL", "version":333}
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.778Z]v175 before_save triggered for Tasks for user tAQf1nCWuz:
Input: {"original":{"createdAt":"2015-10-02T17:47:34.143Z","name":"GGG","objectId":"VlJdk34b2A","updatedAt":"2015-10-02T21:57:37.765Z","version":111},"update":{"name":"LLL","version":333}}
Result: Update changed to {}
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.969Z]>>>>>> Old Task: GGG version: 111
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.970Z]<<<<<< New Task: GGG version: 111
NOTE: I'm testing the login via cURL and in the parse console.
CloudCode beforeSave
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Tasks", function( request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query("Tasks");
.then(function (oldObj) {
console.log("-------- OLD Task: " + oldObj.get("name") + " v: " + oldObj.get("version"));
console.log("-------- NEW Task: " + request.object.get("name") + " v: " + request.object.get("version"));
}).then(function () {
}, function ( error) {
cURL request
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: xxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: xxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-Session-Token: xxxx" \
-d "{\"name\":\"NEW_VALUE\", \"version\":9999}" \
JSON Response
"updatedAt": "2015-10-02T19:45:47.104Z"
LOG The log prints the original and the new value, but I don't know how to access it either.
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.603Z]v160 before_save triggered for Tasks for user tAQf1nCWuz:
Input: {"original":{"createdAt":"2015-10-02T17:47:34.143Z","name":"OLD_VALUE","objectId":"VlJdk34b2A","updatedAt":"2015-10-02T19:45:47.104Z","version":0},"update":{"name":"NEW_VALUE","version":9999}}
Result: Update changed to {"name":"NEW_VALUE","version":9999}
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.901Z]-------- OLD Task: NEW_VALUE v: 9999
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.902Z]-------- NEW Task: NEW_VALUE v: 9999