you can actualy steal the information from public facebook. It's not pretty, takes a couple seconds, but works.
I have a JS code that runs from console and makes AJAX request - the same facebooks makes when requesting more friends in the regular facebook UI when you scroll down ( Then I parse the result. So far it works flawlessly. I just ask for more friends and when I don't get a match, I know I have them all.
I don't want to share the whole code, but this is the essential part:
// Recursively load person friends
function getMoreFriends(job, uid, fb_dtsg, post_form_id, offset, callback, finished ){
var url = ""+uid+"&offset="+offset+"&dual=1&__a=1&fb_dtsg="+fb_dtsg+"&lsd=&post_form_id="+post_form_id+"&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest";
var request = { type: 'POST', url: url, data: { __a: 1, dual: 1, offset: offset, uid: uid }, dataType: "text", complete: function(data){
var response = data.responseText.match(/HTML.*$/)[0];
response = response.replace(/u003c/gi,"<");
response = response.replace(/\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/gm, "&#x$1;").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\\/g,'');
response = response.match(/^.*<\/div><\/div><\/div>/);
if(response != null){
response = response[0].replace("HTML(","");
var people = [];
$jq(response).find(".UIImageBlock").each( function(){
var newPerson = new Person( $jq(this).find('.UIImageBlock_Content a').text(), $jq(this).find('a').first().attr('href'), $jq(this).find('img').attr('src'), jQuery.parseJSON( $jq(this).find('a').last().attr('data-gt') ).engagement.eng_tid );
people.push( newPerson );
getMoreFriends(job, uid, fb_dtsg, post_form_id, offset+60, callback, finished);
} };
job.addToQueue( request );
if(job.state != "processing"){
if (typeof finished != "function" ){ finished = function(){}; }
job.startProcessing({ finished: function(){ finished(); } } );
You can get the neccesary variables from a currently logged in user like this:
function loadFriends(person, onInit, store, callback){
info("loading friends of "" initiated");
//addStatus("loading friends of "" initiated");
if (typeof onInit == "function" ){
if( == -1){
error("Person "" doesn't have an id.!");
addStatus("Person "" doesn't have an id.!","error");
return false;
else {
// Load friends
var fb_dtsg = $jq('input[name="fb_dtsg"]').eq(0).val();
var post_form_id = $jq('#post_form_id').val();
var loadFriendsJob = ajaxManager.addJob({limit: 1});
getMoreFriends(loadFriendsJob,, fb_dtsg, post_form_id, 0, function(people){ // callback on each iteration
d( "Loaded "+people.length+" friends of " + );
},function(){ // callback on finish
info("loading friends of "" finished");
//addStatus("loading friends of "" finished");
if (typeof callback == "function" ){ callback(); }
I understand this is probably useless for your case since this is JS. Anyway, someone might find this usefull.
P.S.: $jq = jQuery.
P.P.S.: those job objects take care of sequential ajax requests. I found out I need them since my FF didn't feel like making 2000+ AJAX request at the same time :-D