I'm trying to get MongoDB to upsert multiple records with the following query, ultimately using MongoMapper and the Mongo ruby driver.
db.foo.update({event_id: { $in: [1,2]}}, {$inc: {visit:1}}, true, true)
This works fine if all the records exist, but does not create new records for records that do not exist. The following command has the desired effect from the shell, but is probably not ideal from the ruby driver.
[1,2].forEach(function(id) {db.foo.update({event_id: id}, {$inc: {visit:1}}, true, true) });
I could loop through each id I want to insert from within ruby, but that would necessitate a trip to the database for each item. Is there a way to upsert multiple items from the ruby driver with only a single trip to the database? What's the best practice here? Using mongomapper and the ruby driver, is there a way to send multiple updates in a single batch, generating something like the following?
db.foo.update({event_id: 1}, {$inc: {visit:1}}, true); db.foo.update({event_id: 2}, {$inc: {visit:1}}, true);
Sample Data:
Desired data after command if two records exist.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6babbac0d8bb8238d02099"), "event_id" : 1, "visit" : 11 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6baf56c0d8bb8238d0209a"), "event_id" : 2, "visit" : 2 }
Actual data after command if two records exist.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6babbac0d8bb8238d02099"), "event_id" : 1, "visit" : 11 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6baf56c0d8bb8238d0209a"), "event_id" : 2, "visit" : 2 }
Desired data after command if only the record with event_id 1 exists.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6babbac0d8bb8238d02099"), "event_id" : 1, "visit" : 2 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6baf56c0d8bb8238d0209a"), "event_id" : 2, "visit" : 1 }
Actual data after command if only the record with event_id 1 exists.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d6babbac0d8bb8238d02099"), "event_id" : 1, "visit" : 2 }
count, otherwise create a new event and set itsvisit
count to 1"? If so then what would theevent_id
be for newly inserted events? – Chainplate