I'm in the process of rewriting one little WPF-App I wrote to make use of ReactiveUI, to get a feeling about the library.
I really like it so far!
Now I've stumbled upon the Throttle
method and want to use it when applying a filter to a collection.
This is my ViewModel:
namespace ReactiveUIThrottle
public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject
private string _filter;
public string Filter { get => _filter; set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _filter, value); }
private readonly ReactiveList<Person> _persons = new ReactiveList<Person>();
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> _filteredPersons;
public IReactiveDerivedList<Person> Persons => _filteredPersons.Value;
public MainViewModel()
Filter = string.Empty;
new Person("Peter"),
new Person("Jane"),
new Person("Jon"),
new Person("Marc"),
new Person("Heinz")
var filterPersonsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IReactiveDerivedList<Person>>(FilterPersons);
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter)
// to see the problem
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
_filteredPersons = filterPersonsCommand.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.Persons, _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p));
private async Task<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> FilterPersons(string filter)
await Task.Delay(500); // Lets say this takes some time
return _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p, p => p.Name.Contains(filter));
The filtering itself works like a charm, also the throttling, when using the GUI.
However, I'd like to unittest the behavior of the filtering and this is my first attempt:
public void FilterPersonsByName()
var sut = new MainViewModel();
sut.Filter = "J";
This test fails because the collection still has 5 people.
When I get rid of the await Task.Delay(500)
in FilterPersons
then the test will pass, but takes 2 seconds (from the throttle).
Is there a way to have the throttle be instant within the test to speed up the unittest?
How would I test the async behavior in my filter?
I'm using ReactiveUI 7.x
? – Estis