I've been doing a fair amount of research, and have even experimented some with the NDK for Android (not so much the SDK). What I haven't been able to really find though is a clear and concise definition for what the NDK cannot do (besides lack of exception handling and rtti).
I've been mapping out some code for a game and a game engine for Android (Written entirely in the NDK) but it seems to not be as supported as many would like it to be. Not only that, but I'd like to be able to give my game a sexy U.I. without having to write everything from scratch in OpenGL.
While I'm sure it's easier in Java, I'd like to know if the NDK's front end/U.I. components are getting to a point to where they'd even be comparable with Java in terms of Touchscreen IO , Sound, and Graphical Interfaces. Worst case scenario I can write the U.I. in Java and just call native methods from that, but I'd like to be able to do more if possible.
If C++ is even somewhat on par with Java's U.I. feature set, it would be cool to know which of the two gives more control and customization. For example, while the Java implementation may be easier to use, does it give the programmer a lot of options to fine tune a "look" which resembles something specific?