The PMR Quadtree is typically used to store edges of a polygon but can easily be extended to include points as well. There is a C++ implementation of it at (quadtree.cpp & quadtree.hpp). Below is pseudocode explaining the algorithm:
class Box
double CenterX
double CenterY
double Size
// a SpatialItem must implement Intersects against a Box (i.e. a rectangle)
class SpatialItem
abstract bool Intersects(Box box)
class PMRQuadTreeNode
int level // the level of this node
int maxDepth // the maximum number of levels of the quadtree
int splittingThreshold // determines when to split the node
Box bounds
PMRQuadTreeNode[] childNodes
SpatialItemCollection items
// Determines if the Leaf Node is overflowing and should be split
// NOTE: Leaves at the maximum depth never overflow
bool IsOverflowing()
if (level == maxDepth)
return false
return items.Count > splittingThreshold
// Insert adds the SpatialItem to items if it intersets against bounds
// If this Node IsOverflowing, then it is Split and becomes an internal
// Node with 4 Leaf Nodes
void Insert(SpatialItem item)
if (item.Intersects(bounds))
if (IsLeaf)
if (IsOverflowing())
foreach (Node child in childNodes)
// When a Node is Split, each SpatialItem is added to each Child Node it
// intersects. Split is *NOT* called again for each child - items are
// merely added directly to each Child's items collection.
void Split()
CreateChildNodes() // create and initialize 4 child nodes
foreach (var item in items)
foreach (var child in childNodes)
// don't call Insert() here, as Split should only be called once
if (item.Intersects(child.bounds))
IsLeaf = false
void CreateChildNodes()
static double[] XOffsets = new double[] { -0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25 }
static double[] YOffsets = new double[] { -0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }
childNodes = new PMRQuadTreeNode[4]
for (int i = 0..3)
childNodes[i] = new PMRQuadTreeNode {
level = level + 1
maxDepth = maxDepth
splittingThreshold = splittingThreshold
bounds = new Box {
CenterX = + XOffsets[i] * bounds.size,
CenterY = + YOffsets[i] * bounds.size,
Size = bounds.size / 2