The model we use for managing NHibernate sessions with WCF is as follows:
1) We have our own ServiceHost class that inherits from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost which also implements ICallContextInitializer. We add the service host instance to each of the operations in our service as follows:
protected override void InitializeRuntime()
foreach (ChannelDispatcher cd in this.ChannelDispatchers)
foreach (EndpointDispatcher ed in cd.Endpoints)
foreach (DispatchOperation op in ed.DispatchRuntime.Operations)
public void AfterInvoke(object correlationState)
// We don't do anything after the invoke
public object BeforeInvoke(InstanceContext instanceContext, IClientChannel channel, Message message)
OperationContext.Current.Extensions.Add(new SessionOperationContext());
return null;
The BeforeInvoke simply makes sure that the OperationContext for each WCF call has it's own session. We have found problems with IDispatchMessageInspector where the session is not available during response serialisation - a problem if you use lazy loading.
2) Our SessionOperationContext will then be called to attach itself and we use the OperationCompleted event to remove ourselves. This way we can be sure the session will be available for response serialisation.
public class SessionOperationContext : IExtension<OperationContext>
public ISession Session { get; private set; }
public static SessionOperationContext Current
OperationContext oc = OperationContext.Current;
if (oc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be in an operation context.");
return oc.Extensions.Find<SessionOperationContext>();
public void Attach(OperationContext owner)
// Create the session and do anything else you required
this.Session = ... // Whatever instantiation method you use
// Hook into the OperationCompleted event which will be raised
// after the operation has completed and the response serialised.
owner.OperationCompleted += new EventHandler(OperationCompleted);
void OperationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Tell WCF this extension is done
public void Detach(OperationContext owner)
// Close our session, do any cleanup, even auto commit
// transactions if required.
this.Session = null;
We've used the above pattern successfully in high-load applications and it seems to work well.
In summary this is similar to what the new WcfOperationSessionContext does (it wasn't around when we figured out the pattern above;-)) but also overcomes issues surrounding lazy loading.
Regarding the additional questions asked: If you use the model outlined above you would simply do the following:
void SaveMyEntity(MyEntity entity)
You are guaranteed that the session is always there and that it will be disposed once the WCF operation is completed. You can use transactions if required in the normal way.