I want to write a simple program that depending on the options passed it the executable will print the output to the screen or to a file. The program is simple.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
... process options...
std::ostream& out = ... // maybe std::cout, maybe a *new* std::ofstream;
out << "content\n";
Is there a good idiom to make out refer alternatively to std::cout
or a file stream at runtime?
I tried with pointers, but it is horrible. I couldn't avoid using pointers (Not to mention that more ugly code is needed to delete the pointer later).
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
std::string file = argc>1?argv[1]:"";
std::clog << "file: " << file << '\n';
// if there is no argument it will print to screen
std::ostream* out = (file=="")?&std::cout:(new std::ofstream(file)); // horrible code
*out << "content" << std::endl;
if(out != &std::cout) delete out;
I don't know, perhaps there is some feature of C++ streams that allows this. Perhaps I have to use some kind of type erasure. The problem, I think, is that std::cout
is something that already exists (is global), but std::ofstream
is something that has to be created.
I managed to use open
and avoid pointers but it is still ugly:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
std::string file = argc>1?argv[1]:"";
std::clog << "file: " << file << '\n';
std::ofstream ofs;
if(file != "") ofs.open(file);
std::ostream& out = (file=="")?std::cout:ofs;
out << "content" << std::endl;
and let the user decides if he wants to redirect the output into a file. – Domitiladomonic