I am getting the following stack trace in Android while using a shared library. When I try to use ndk-stack it gives error saying "unable to locate routine information for address 80ce4188 in module /ibgame.so" I really want to locate the line where the routine is crashing.
03-18 12:07:00.480: I/DEBUG(21702): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-S5670/GT-S5670:2.3.4/GINGERBREAD/XWKQ2:user/release-keys'
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): pid: 22914, tid: 22957 >>> com.xxx.yyyyo <<<
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 3c3c3c3c
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): r0 00000001 r1 46e9f96c r2 002624e8 r3 3c3c3c3c
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): r4 80fa1474 r5 0026c6a8 r6 46cce7ed r7 46030f30
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): r8 46e9fb70 r9 46030f28 10 46030f14 fp 45110b30
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): ip 80fa14e8 sp 46e9fa00 lr 80d20eb3 pc 80ce4188 cpsr 00000030
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): d0 000000003f800000 d1 0000000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): d2 416fca053f800000 d3 418c000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): d4 0023000000000000 d5 46fffe00c7000000
03-18 12:07:00.490: I/DEBUG(21702): d6 3f000000c7000000 d7 46fffe003f800000
03-18 12:07:00.500: I/DEBUG(21702): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.500: I/DEBUG(21702): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.500: I/DEBUG(21702): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.500: I/DEBUG(21702): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
03-18 12:07:00.500: I/DEBUG(21702): scr 60000012
03-18 12:07:00.910: I/ActivityManager(10055): Start proc android.process.media for content provider com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadProvider: pid=23002 uid=10024 gids={1015, 2001, 3003}
03-18 12:07:01.220: D/Finsky(22861): [1] 2.run: Loaded library for account: [LhT0qWhfRR1R8V6hKkpCiWF5Pjw]
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): #00 pc 80ce4188 /mnt/asec/com.xxx.yyyyo-1/lib/libgame.so
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): #01 lr 80d20eb3 /mnt/asec/com.xxx.yyyyo-1/lib/libgame.so
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): code around pc:
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80ce4168 f864f7ff 1c221c2b ab29e056 f7ff1c18
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80ce4178 2c00f85d e015d05b 23a09a05 58d3005b
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80ce4188 3351681b 681a33ff 23a09905 58c9005b
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80ce4198 98059b33 009b3350 330418c3 1c08681b
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80ce41a8 47901c19 23ae9a05 58d3005b 33529a05
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): code around lr:
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80d20e90 f7cf1c18 1c03fb7b 320c681a 99016812
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80d20ea0 47901c18 f048e022 1c03fee3 f7cf1c18
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80d20eb0 1c03fb6d 9b039303 d00b2b00 681b9b03
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80d20ec0 681b3308 1c109a03 1c034798 d1012b02
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 80d20ed0 e0002301 2b002300 9b03d008 330c681b
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): stack:
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 46e9f9c0 47bac008
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 46e9f9c4 01000000
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 46e9f9c8 80fa1474
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 46e9f9cc 80fa1474
03-18 12:07:01.320: I/DEBUG(21702): 46e9f9d0 0026c6a8
My Application.mk file is
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions -DCOCOS2D_DEBUG=1
APP_OPTIM := debug
And Android.mk file is
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := game_shared
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.cpp ../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
../../Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp \
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -ldl
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../Classes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/Box2d \
LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cocos2dx_static cocosdenshion_static cocos_extension_static box2d_static
$(call import-module,CocosDenshion/android) \
$(call import-module,cocos2dx) \
$(call import-module,extensions) \
$(call import-module,Box2D)
NDK-STACK command
D:\>ndk-stack -sym D:\Dev\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4\XXXX\proj.android\obj\local\armeabi -dump "D:\Dev\Others\logs notes\18-3-1-crash.txt"
********** Crash dump: **********
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-S5670/GT-S5670:2.3.4/GINGERBREAD/XWKQ2:user/release-keys'
pid: 22914, tid: 22957 >>> com.xxx.yyyyo<<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 3c3c3c3c
Stack frame #00 pc 80ce4188 /mnt/asec/com.xxx.yyyyo-1/lib/libgame.so: Unable to locate routine information for address 80ce4188 in module D:\Dev\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4\XXXX\proj.android\obj\local\armeabi/libgame.so