I have a method which receives a file over a TCP socket using this code:
FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(filename.getName());
while (totalRead < size) {
if (size - totalRead > CHUNKSIZE) {
read = getInputStream().read(buffer, 0, CHUNKSIZE);
} else {
read = getInputStream().read(buffer, 0, size - totalRead);
totalRead += read;
fileStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextPrint) {
nextPrint += 1000;
int speed = (int) (totalRead / (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
double procent = ((double)totalRead / size) * 100;
gui.setStatus("Reciving: " + filename + " at " + speed + " kb/s, " + procent + "% complete");
gui.setStatus("Reciving: " + filename + " complete.");
FileOutputStream.close is taking really long time when receiving large files, why is that? As you see I'm flushing the stream at every received chunk..