I have an instance of an iframe that contains an element with a click handler. The iframe contains a video with a play button graphic overlaid with a click event attached to it. The click event triggers the video to play, hides itself and console.logs a message to say it's been triggered.
This functions perfectly on desktop browsers, and when i navigate directly to the iframe url on an iOS device. However, when the iframe is embedded the play button's click/tap event is not fired.
Here are links to my examples:
The direct link to the video page: (works as intended on iOS) http://www.newsryde.com/articlevideo/1085078/
The link to the page with the video iframed: (does not trigger click/tap event) http://www.newsryde.com/article/1085078/
the file/line number where the event is attached is in /js/jm/video-player.js
~ line 52 and looks like:
els.playButton.on('click tap', function(){
the embedded iframe version of the code not only doesn't trigger the video, but doesn't trigger the console.log or element fades. I can see when tapping on the play button that the element flicker with a super quick opacity/feedback state that i believe is browser related
strangely though, when i remove the play button element. and just let the user click directly on the <video>
element. the video plays fine. i can understand if it was one way or the other (no clicks made it through, or just the video playing didnt trigger), but it's as if the entire playButton's click handler just gets ignored
NOTES: I MUST use an iframe for this content, as it is not guaranteed that its contents will be from the same domain as the parent page (similarly this prevents me from creating an external control to the iframe content)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
EDIT1: upon request i added a single tap/click bind to the 'N' (i know it's a small hit box, sorry) in the top right hand corner of the example links.
els.videoPauseItems.css('z-index', '600').on('click tap', function(){
console.log('non play button tapped');
When this is tapped while in the iframe
i get no console.log. but i do get the browser quick grey flash tap feedback. however when inspecting the element i can see that it has successfully applied the .css()
When tapped when viewing the link not in an iframe
it successfully console.log