I am trying to have my client application filter out videos that do not allow embedding. My understanding here is that there is no way to limit the feed (i.e. format=5 is insufficient) to do this and that I must check the properties of the entry myself, for the <yt:accessControl>
tag and the <app:control>
and <yt:state>
This isn't working for me.
For example, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waxat-_tRH8
doesn't embed: https://www.youtube.com/embed/waxat-_tRH8
even though the API returned data indicates (as far as I can tell) that it should be able to embed: https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/waxat-_tRH8?v=2
The entry does not contain any <yt:noembed>
tag (see prior question) and the <media:restriction type='country' relationship='deny'>ME DE RS</media:restriction>
does not explain this since I am in the US (see prior question) (see prior question).
What am I missing here?
EDIT: The embed link above works in my web browser, but not in my client app's WebView....!?