I'm currently trying to implement a panel integrated in my angular application which will allow me to import whatever json state file exported from redux-devtools using the same import feature as redux-devtools.
My application is properly integrated with @ngrx/store-devtools.
I can't figure out how to retrieve the devtools store from my component to then dispatch the action IMPORT_STATE as i saw on redux-devtools code:
store.liftedStore.dispatch({type: 'IMPORT_STATE', ...nextLiftedState});
The goal is to manually trigger the import state feature from redux-devtools but within a component of my application directly.
Is it possible to do that? And how to inject this store in my component to then use it?
Thanks in advance,
Actually, what i am trying to achieve is to have a component in my application which allows me to import different state (as json file) that i would have previously recorded from the redux-devtools extension to reach any pages of my application. Thus, this component needs to access to the redux-devtools store and dispatch the action IMPORT_STATE. What i did for the moment seems to not trigger the reducer for IMPORT_STATE action of the redux-devtools store. I think i'm missing something to include the redux-devtools store from the angular application.
Do you have any idea of how to achieve that?
Thanks in advance,