(This is fairly off-the-cuff.)
Memory use is indeed an issue you need to be concerned with in the current browser state of the art, although unless we're talking about quite a lot of code, I don't know that code size is the issue (it's usually DOM size, and leftover event handlers).
You could use a pattern for your loadable modules that would make it much easier to unload them en mass -- or at least, to let the browser know it can unload them.
window.MyModule = (function() {
alert('This happens the moment the module is loaded.');
function MyModule() {
function foo() {
function bar() {
return MyModule;
That defines a closure that contains the functions foo
and bar
, which can call each other in the normal way. Note that code outside functions runs immediately.
Provided you don't pass out any references to what's inside the closure to anything outside it, then window.MyModule will be the only reference to that closure and its execution context. To unload it:
try {
delete window.MyModule;
catch (e) {
// Work around IE bug that doesn't allow `delete` on `window` properties
window.MyModule = undefined;
That tells the JavaScript environment you're not using that property anymore, and makes anything it references available for garbage collection. When and whether that collection happens is obviously implementation-dependent.
Note that it will be important if you hook event handlers within the module to unhook them before unloading. You could do that by returning a reference to a destructor function instead of the main closure:
window.MyModule = (function() {
alert('This happens the moment the module is loaded.');
function foo() {
function bar() {
function destructor() {
// Unhook event handlers here
return destructor;
Unhooking is then:
if (window.MyModule) {
try {
catch (e) {
try {
delete window.MyModule;
catch (e) {
// Work around IE bug that doesn't allow `delete` on `window` properties
window.MyModule = undefined;