I created a Google Apps Script
add-on to display a sidebar on click:
function displayPage_() {
var htmlTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('PAGE');
var html = htmlTemplate.evaluate()
This successfully loads the file PAGE.html
as long as it is simple html. However, when I try to add include
like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<?!= include("STYLESHEET"); ?>
It throws this error:
[17-02-09 08:55:50:239 MST] Execution failed: ReferenceError: "include" is not defined.
It doesn't matter what is in the include
it always fails.
I have done this before and it worked. As far as I can tell, I have this set up just like the other project, but it doesn't work in this project. I assume that I forgot to enable something, but don't know how to tell what is missing because the transcript is vague.
What am I missing? Or, doing wrong?