I am using Firebase Remote Config to store a secret key for a mobile app ( I do not want to include in client app due to security problems).
The problem is I know that fetching config from server many times in a short period of time can throw a throttling exception. In a production app there is a limit of 5 requests per hour but I do not know if this limit is count per user or globally.
This is the code I have:
//first search cached result, if present
String key = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance().getString("key");
if(key != null && !key.isEmpty()){
}else {
//no key present, let's fetch it from config
FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance().fetch().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
//key is cached 12 hours
String key = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance().getString("key");
} else {
//this can happen due to a throttling exception
This is very important because without this key my app can not work. I need to know if throttling exception condition can be reached.
Do you know how is the limit counted?