Hi i tried to install fresh Laravel project using Laravel Sail docker environment. First it was showing me "Docker is not running" error. Then i found out, i needed to start docker as rootless. I solved it, reading this url: [https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/].
After that, I successfully installed Laravel using Laravel Sail. Then I ran
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
I was able to view Laravel project in my browser. But when i ran any other artisan commands such as ./vendor/bin/sail artisan route:list
or sail commands as sail shell
, all the docker containers were forced closed automatically. It shows me this error.
Sail is not running.
You may Sail using the following commands: './sail up' or './sail up -d'
Any suggestions? I am getting this issue on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version.
sail shell
also doesn't work. – Abet